Threads of Fate iso psx [NTSC-US] (Patched FR) Patch of Génération IX AND Chaos Romhack v0.99b

Threads of Fate iso psx [NTSC-US] (Patched FR) Patch of Génération IX AND Chaos Romhack v0.99b
Patch v0.99b by Generation IX & Chaos RomHack applied
It is thus possible to play indifferently Street adventure, a young amnesiac boy with obscure origins, or that of Mint, a capricious princess and very imbued with his person who paid a high price for his casualness: while she was heir to the throne, his father removed him from this right for the benefit of his sister Maya, whom he considered more competent. In addition to a strong character, our headliners share a common ambition: to find a very old relic that will allow them to realize their dream. It is on its use that their plans diverge: Street wishes "simply" to bring back to life Claire, a girl who had collected and who died while trying to protect him, while Mint, eager for revenge, desires modestly dominate the world and sees in this artefact the best way to achieve it. They will logically meet and even collaborate to ward off an adversity that will prove tougher than expected ...
Publisher and Developer: Squaresoft | Square Enix
Type: Action / Roleplay
Date: 1999

Host: Mega
Format: bin / cue
Platform: PSX
Subtitles: FR
Region: NTSC-US
Size: 116.7 MB
